Currently, my work investigates Nightscapes based on food trucks, store fronts, and other similar scenes as allegory for the concept of home as an internal sense of identity and belonging. 

Viewed as an extension of my paintings of meats associated with my Mexican culture, this series began with a late night visit to pick up food from a truck that I often frequented and on the way had noticed an unusual sight.  The streetlight that illuminated the area was not working and the only light visible was the glow coming from inside the truck.  While not necessarily odd in itself, from a distance this view gave the truck the appearance of it almost hovering in the rich black emptiness of space.  It was a mysterious and surreal scene.

The popularity of the food stand and taco truck have become a staple of the American landscape regardless of the food that each serves. They are an escape from the monotony of the common fast food establishment and offer so much more in terms of a communal experience in the discovery of new cuisine or a refuge for comfort in food and other individuals. Each truck/ stand has its own presence and the visitors become its culture. 

What is presented here is a mix of ink and oil paintings including figurative and still life works.

Note: To view the titles and media of each work, hover your mouse over the bottom of image when opened.